Monday, August 20, 2012

Community Content

Ah yes, the usual "it's been a while" rambling.  Well, it has been a while hasn't it?  Anyways, I've been busy a lot lately with the Inside View.  Why?  I've been trying to help brainstorm ideas to get our community off the ground.  From simply giving ideas of articles to post, things for the other staff members to look into and getting a Halo themed team off the ground.  About a week later I was just talking with the owner about an idea we had floating around and after giving him my input, I get another email back.  This time, this email is offering me a spot on the management team as their Community Manager.  Knowing I would be able to do this, I gladly accepted the offer.

We have some pretty neat stuff planned for the near future, so keep an eye on our main page.  Plus, why don't you sign up for our forum; we have a few game nights coming up that I'm sure you would enjoy.  And I would love to play with some of my blog readers from here.

I am going to wrap up this short post with a video I took from Minecraft.  Yes, I broke down and bought Minecraft; I remember the time when I used to say "I'm never going to buy that game as it looks pointless."  Well it's good if you have a few minutes or a few hours to waste.  My world I thought sucked at first, but going back to it a few days ago I found some pretty good stuff.  Also, I hate cobblestone...

Yeah, it's not supposed to be snowing on one half of the house and raining on the other...  Oh, and my house (which is the one shown in the video) has a second story to it now.  It's not so bland anymore.  I'm also thinking of doing a bunch more to it, but the massive amount of dirt around it needs to go away.  There's also a river (not seen in the video as it wasn't there until this past Friday) on the side where I am standing at the start of the video.  No idea what I'm going to do with that as of now, but I'll figure something out.

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