Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Bound for Carnage

Yes, it's been a little while hasn't it?  Surprisingly not a lot has happened with me in the meantime, I am still planning on doing the idea I mentioned in my previous post.  I have yet to start them though as I have been busy, but this did give me time to think of another idea!
You remember the original Xbox right?  No?  I'm disappointed in you reader, not really.  Anyways, as you may or may not know most of those games are backwards compatible on the 360; meaning I can take original Xbox games and play them on the 360.  So what does any of this stuff have to do with me?  Well, nothing in particular really except for the fact that I am going to take an original Xbox game, play through it and reminisce on all the amazing times.  Once that is accomplished I will talk about the game a little bit and what made it such a classic for me.  I also plan on giving you some pretty pictures to look at (aka screenshots) and even capturing a few minutes of footage to showcase what the game was like.  The only problem I am really having with this is I can't decide which game to play first.  I was thinking of leaning towards the first Mechassault (since it was my first game), but I had also been thinking about the second Mechassault game as I really love it.  However....Mercenaries has also crossed my mind as well as a few other games I used to love playing all the time.

As I mentioned earlier, I still plan on doing what I mentioned in my previous post.  I just have yet to start it as I have been diligently working on some things with the staff over at IVG.  We have some huge plans in the works regarding getting our own Halo themed community up and running.  Right now we're looking for contributors who would be willing to deliver consistent Halo themed content for us.

I know this is a short post, but it's late here and I don't have too much to discuss.  I will leave you with my first montage I did though!  It was done in Forza Motorsport 4 (I would have done a Halo one, but couldn't find clips that made me happy) and involves tons of crashes and carnage.  It lacks a proper name but I think Project CARnage sounds pretty decent based on its theme.  The editing is fairly simple and I think I went a tad bit transition happy as well; but I am happy with the end results.
So I present to you, Project CARnage by StoredGrunt360 (aka me!)

Anyways, that is all my friends.  I hope to have my first "Look Back" post up either this week or next, depends on when I am able to get it done.  If I don't have it up this week, I'm positive I'll have my first series of videos regarding NCAA Football 12 up.  It'll be from my second trip to the national title game as Illinois...I'm not sure who I was playing in it though.  I think it may have been Boise State, but I am not sure honestly.  Oh!  And I may start working on a Forged map in Halo: Reach next week if I can.  If I do, I'll keep you updated on regular basis.

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